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Tuesday 26 March 2019
Agoria Smart Cities Forum and Award is a one day conference and exhibition covering the smart cities ecosystem encompassing the priority themes smart mobility and logistics, sustainable and smart buildings, renovation of buildings, multi-energy districts, security and privacy, street lighting use of data and innovative procurement.
Exploring the opportunities and innovations that technology is bringing to the cities and communities. With extensive analysis of the smart cities landscape, and in-depth focus on the drivers, hurdles and opportunities for different stakeholders within the ecosystem.
With 20 visionary speakers, gain a unique insight from industry, cities and communities as well as other stakeholders from in and outside Belgium and hear case study examples from major contributors.
With over 20 exhibitors, experience what smart cities means for you, how data can be used for city management and improving the comfort of the citizens.
Be part of the Smart Reverse Pitching, a new approach where you can be part of a growing ecosystem providing answers, best-practices, solutions on a specific challenge, need or problem of cities, (semi)-governments, start-ups and industry.
Use the opportunity to schedule your meetups beforehand with smart cities experts and the more than 300 participants.
Agoria Smart City Award 2019These awards will be announced: